Repair and overhaul

Engineered for Excellence

Contractual agreement with over 50 plus repair stations including a wide range of OEMs to offer quick and quality repair management for rotables, avionics, life saving appliances and life limited parts.
  • 3 Mn+
    Aircraft Parts Deliver
  • 500+
    Aircraft Spares Vendors
  • 250+
    Airline Customers
  • 50+
    Repair Stations

Features and Benefits:

Defective Part Replacement
Any broken or old parts are replaced with fresh or repaired parts that comply with stringent aviation standards. This safeguards the aircraft's ongoing airworthiness.
Quality Control
In order to make sure that repaired or overhauled components or aircraft parts fulfill the necessary criteria, repair and overhaul facilities apply stringent quality control techniques.
Comprehensive Inspection
R&O involves carefully examining aviation parts and components, structures, and systems for wear and tear, damage, or potential issues. Non-destructive testing procedures are used to evaluate the integrity of materials.
Skilled Workforce
R&O facilities employ skilled mechanics, engineers, and technicians with special training in aviation maintenance. These experts are certified to do repairs and overhauls according to industry rules and standards.
Every phase of the R&O process, including replacements, repairs, and inspections, is documented. This is good for traceability, regulatory compliance, and keeping track of maintenance records.
Periodic checks and repairs maintain aircraft components in top shape, lowering the possibility of mechanical lapses or malfunctions that might endanger flight safety.

Frequently asked questions

R&O is crucial for upholding aircraft reliability and security. Regularity in the maintenance, repair and overhaul aviation is needed for identifying and addressing wear and tear, ensuring that aircraft fulfill substantial aviation safety regulations, and avoiding mechanical issues.
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), maintenance teams of airlines, repair and overhaul (MRO) companies, and specialized maintenance can all execute R&O.
Repair and aircraft engine overhaul operate on a wide range of components, including flight control systems, engines, avionics systems, landing gear, and others. R&O is needed for crucial aircraft parts that are subject to wear and tear and have a big effect on the performance and safety of the aircraft.
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